Sunday, March 25, 2012

Natural Treatment Guide Cough

Coughing is not a disease. Coughing is the body's defense mechanisms in the respiratory tract and is a symptom of a disease or the body's reaction to irritation ditenggorokan because of the mucus, food, dust, smoke, germs, etc.

Causes of Cough
- Upper respiratory tract infection
- Allergies
- Foreign bodies that enter the airway
- Choking from drinking
- Inhaling cigarette smoke
- Psychogenic cough. This cough is caused by a lot of emotional and psychological problems

Cough natural treatment
Powder : 3 thumb
Water    : 3/4 cups

ways of making:
Powder peeled and shredded. add water 3/4 cup, squeeze and strain the water grab
how to use:
children and adults over 12 years 4 x 1 tablespoon a day
Natural Treatment Guide Cough
Image Credit Google

Penyebab Batuk
- Infeksi saluran pernapasan bagian atas
- Alergi
- Benda asing yang masuk kedalam saluran napas
- tersedak akibat minum
- menghirup asap rokok
- batuk psikogenik. batuk ini banyak diakibatkan karena masalah emosi dan psikologis

Pengobatan alami batuk
Kencur : 3 ibu jari
Air        : 3/4 cangkir

cara pembuatan:
Kencur dikupas lalu diparut. tambahkan air 3/4 cangkir , peras dan saring ambil airnya
cara pemakaiannya:
anak lebih 12 tahun dan dewasa 4 x 1 sendok makan sehari