Friday, June 29, 2012

How to Eliminate Blackheads

How to Eliminate Blackheads Naturally To Face More Beautiful, surely everyone wants it. after previously discussing how to eliminate acne, now turn to how to remove blackheads, so the face is clean and we will certainly look more beautiful. Who is not familiar with blackheads? although the type of illness is not as bad as the acne, but its presence was never expected, especially by a woman. For those who are experiencing a lot of blackheads on the face, maybe these simple tips can help.

How to Eliminate Blackheads

For a teen, looks gorgeous and perfect in front of certain people are always in want it. But when it comes blackheads, certainly no one wants it all. Blackheads are not a dangerous disease that can kill us, but blackheads can kill your confidence. and following these simple tips on how to remove blackheads. Previously, we learn first comedones type.

A. Blackhead (open comedone), seems like pores are enlarged and blackened. Blackheads are colored black due to oxidation by air.

2. Whiteheads (closed comedones), was behind the cuticle layer of the clogged dirt and grease, looks like a small lump under the skin.

And here's how to remove blackheads

- Keeping the face Hygiene
Blackheads usually appear on oily skin. That is why you always keep your face clean, use a facial cleanser that reduces oil on the face.

- Healthy Living and Nutrition
Healthy lifestyle can reduce jumplah blackheads on the face. Eat a nutritious diet and adequate rest, can help reduce blackheads. Due to the current condition of the body decreases, the germs enter the body easily.

- Facial regularly
Facial is the proper way of removing blackheads peling. facial can be done to maintain the health and freshness of our face. Do facials regularly and periodically.

- Using Aloe vera
Aloe vera also was able to get rid of blackheads. how to Break the stems of aloe vera and rub the mucus into the face of blackheads.

- Use Ice cubes
In addition to refreshing when the temperature is hot, stone ES also we can use to remove blackheads. Rub ice cubes do enough around the area with blackheads for about 10 minutes.

Using the orange rind
of orange peel we can also try to eliminate blackheads, how to skin an orange we give a little water, then let stand at the existing komedonya face, leave it until one night.

- Using Water
Water is the drug that is very easy to get. white ait will launch the digestive tract and will make the face smooth and clean.

- Use egg white
Eggs were also effective to remove blackheads we use, how: Mix an egg white and add 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply to face and let dry. This way you should do when going to bed. Do not forget to then wash face with warm water.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

How to Eliminate Acne on Back and Chest

How to Eliminate Acne on Back and Chest
If the acne on his back and chest still coming despite trying to be prevented, then the way of the usual bathing beauty soap antiseptic soap we change it to if the activity is conducted largely out of the room.

It also should be diligent in using the scrub for acne or dead skin cells at the back and chest lifted immediately. To do this scrub can be done in a trusted beauty clinic to get maximum results. Scrubbing is the optimal way to fade acne is not visible but you should know that the process of scrubbing to do if your acne is still in a little as if still small only in the form of dead skin cells.

Some natural remedies to remove acne on your back and chest that can be tried are:

A. Olive oil
Olive oil is one medication to relieve itching due to acne on the back. Pour 1 tablespoon olive oil to a damp cloth and pat on the back, make sure evenly in all parts. Let stand for 2 minutes then use a dry cloth to remove the remaining oil.

2. Rice and lemon
Do not be afraid to use a scrub on your back, because scrub this one is very safe to remove acne on your back naturally. Mix the rice that has been mashed with the juice of 2 fresh lemons. Spread evenly on your back and be careful not to break your back acne. Do it regularly, at least 2 times a week.

3. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are often used to eliminate acne naturally because it is rich in vitamins A and C. Tomatoes are also useful to shrink the pores. Mix the tomatoes with just yoghurt and fresh mint leaves. Apply the mixture on your back and let it dry before rinsing with warm water.

4. Egg and cucumber
Take the eggs and separate egg whites from the yolks, beat the egg whites until stiff. Cut the cucumber into small pieces to blend. Combine egg whites and cucumber in a blender until into the juice. Take a mixture of both materials before, and then apply on your back. Let stand for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water. Perform routine 2 times a week until your back is free from acne.

5. Oatmeal
Cook oatmeal as when you prepare breakfast. After that let the temperature down to room temperature and add one tablespoon of natural honey. Mix together and apply evenly on your back acne. Let stand for 20 minutes then rinse with cold water.

How to cure phlegm

Phlegm skin disease that is centered near the groin and can spread to the whole body skin. Itch when sweating or contact with heat, the color is uniformly white round object like a wooden mold. While scabies is a disease that contain germs can be transmitted, scabies is a small boils, containing pus in it. If ringworm, tinea versicolor is a kind of skin disease, but only local. Mostly on the neck or head. A skin disease yanga round freckled little, if at all sweaty itch. All these diseases are the same race can menular.Kurap freckled skin diseases dry evenly over the head / other parts.

Recipe for tinea versicolor: ginger grated and mixed with black ants, and given the squeeze of eucalyptus oil, then rubbed on the center of phlegm / berpanu skin. There are also other recipes: Chinese ketepeng crushed leaves and season the salt and then rub on a little phlegm. Prescription ointment for scabies: sulfur ground nutmeg and then mixed with coconut oil, then heated. Another recipe: modern day sambiroto 10 grams, 15 grams of pomegranate leaf, crushed 10 grams of sulfur. All material is crushed and then spiked with coconut oil / VCO and then heated.
While the drug is to be taken: sambiroto leaves, leaf meniran, Babakan pule, widoro white. And boiled water to drink.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How To Prevent Colds

Colds often attack in people who have weak immune system. No matter the elderly, young children continue to be subject to colds. Well, so we do not often catch a cold, here are some things you can try to do.

A. Eat nutritious foods
Eating nutritious foods is one of a healthy lifestyle. When needed can also add to the body's vitamin supply via a special supplement. If you do not want to bother with eating 4 healthy 5 perfect course for the body's vitamin needs are met. And not least, eat regularly, ie morning, noon and night.

2. enough sleep
Getting enough sleep is also one of the factors keeping the immune system. To avoid catching a cold while sleeping, do not forget to wear a blanket or pajamas are comfortable length. In addition, if you are installing a fan or air conditioning during sleep, do not put it directly into the body.

3. warm clothing
During the rainy season, do not forget to bring an umbrella or raincoat during the move. Do not forget to wear clothes that can make your body warm and comfortable.

4. sports
Activities that one is also great for keeping your immune system. No need to exercise too much. For example, jogging, cycling, or swimming. Regular exercise was not hany useful to keep the immune system, but also accelerate blood circulation, strengthen muscles and lungs, destroys fat and calories and makes us stress is not easy.

Effective Ways To Avoid Heart Disease

Heart disease is still one of the most sadistic killer. There are millions of people worldwide die each year from this disease.

According to researcher and expert author of Your Healthy diet Weight Loss Plan, John Phillip, the results of the research shows that heart disease can be formed since the beginning of one's life, and then developed into a deadly threat when they grow up. The good news is the risk of heart disease can be controlled and avoided by making simple changes in lifestyle and diet person.

A. Reduce foods containing refined carbohydrates, sugar and grains
Processed foods have now become a staple menu every day. In fact, these foods contain simple carbohydrates are easily processed into glucose and cause blood sugar to rise in a short time. This is the trigger of insulin resistance and causes thickening of the endothelial lining of coronary arteries. It is recommended to gradually reduce the food of the type of bread, pasta, rice, sugary foods and all foods made from flour.

2. Limit the Omega-6 vegetable oils
Vegetable oil or vegetable oil is relatively stable at room temperature and used in almost all the roasting and processing of food to add flavor and make it more durable. According to experts, excessive consumption of vegetable oils can also trigger the release of chemicals that increase oxidative stress and lead to damage to the vascular system. Instead, avoid the use of vegetable oils for cooking, and limit eating fried foods.

3. Do not forget the Omega-3 fatty acids
Modern diet is almost never include healthy foods that contain Omega-3 fatty acids that actually have been part of human diet for centuries. According to experts, the ideal ratio between the content of Omega-6 fatty acids and Omega-3 in the diet of 1:1.

The experts also agree that most people in Europe today mengasup diet with a ratio of 20:1. As a result, this phenomenon is causing an imbalance and lead to systemic inflammation. Advice from experts, input the types of fish such as tuna, salmon, sardines, nuts and seeds to balance the ratio of your fat intake or by taking fish oil supplements.

4. Avoid oxidative stress
Akitivitas normal body like breathing, eating and moving can produce free radicals that damage the genetic structure and cause the bad cholesterol (LDL) oxidation. We can not prevent this process entirely. However, we can mute it by eating fresh vegetables, buahuan of certain types of berries and supplements to suppress the effects of free radicals in the heart and other organs.