Monday, June 25, 2012

How To Eliminate Varicose

Varicose veins are normal veins that have dilated under the influence of venous pressure peningkatanan which is a manifestation of the syndrome insufiensi in this syndrome in which venous blood flow in the veins have retrograde flow direction or flow back to the leg which then become congested.

Varicose veins are caused due to reduced elasticity of the vein wall. Causes the veins to weaken and unable to drain blood to the heart.

Varicose veins cause blood circulation is not smooth, because it obstructed around the calf and leg while the weight of the body. In addition to the legs, varicose veins later revealed that it can happen at the sleeves.

Clinical symptoms or traits affected by varicose veins:

Visible bulge in the leg muscles
Legs feel heavy
Feels pain, itching, burning
Cramps at night
Changes in skin and tingling

Here are tips on how to eliminate the righteousness of varicose veins:

A. Reduce the habit of wearing high heels
For those of you who like high heels, you should begin to reduce the habit. Try to buy the right of not more than five centimeters.

2. Reduce / avoid the habit of standing too long
But if the work force you to stand in a long time, you do not try to stand with the same situation for a long time. Move a little to the blood vessels are not rigid.

3. Reduce consumption of sugar, salt and fried
All that could lead you to people with high cholesterol and diabetes can be risky to have varicose veins.

4. Expand to eat vegetables and fruit
A healthy diet can prevent varicose veins. Vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber and foods that can stimulate blood circulation such as garlic, onions and ginger. Do not forget to take vitamin B complex, C, E, B6, folic acid, magnesium, calcium and zinc. Avoid spicy foods such as black pepper, especially when your veins to swell.

5. Diligent exercise
Exercise is good for health. Because of its heart racing and blood flow, so as to avoid varicose veins happen. Sports such as jogging, brisk walking, cycling and swimming are excellent for improving blood flow.

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